If your wife has filed for divorce, you’re likely wondering, “if my wife filed for divorce do I have to pay alimony?” The short answer is no, filing alone does not mean you automatically have to pay. Alimony in Texas is determined based on several factors, including...
Smart Strategies on How to Avoid Paying Alimony in Texas
The prospect of paying alimony after a divorce can be a major financial burden. While Texas courts may award spousal support in certain situations, there are legal strategies to potentially avoid or minimize it. Ben Carrasco Law: Strategic Defense Against Alimony...
Surviving the Shock: Navigating Life After Being Blindsided by Divorce
“I want a divorce” hit you like a punch to the gut. You thought your marriage was solid, maybe had some issues, but this? It feels like you’re in freefall, your world spinning out of control. You’re not alone. From Shock to Survival: Navigating the Aftermath Being...
Ask the Attorney: Does an Affair Impact Alimony or Child Support?
Alimony or spousal support refers to financial support paid by someone to their spouse during and/or after a divorce. Parents are required to pay child support even if they separate or divorce. Texas judges consider numerous factors when deciding whether to grant...
Alimony and Spousal Support in High Income Divorces
The amount and duration of alimony ordered by the court will depend, in part, on the incomes of the spouses. While a couple of hundred dollars might not seem like much in a normal divorce, high net-worth divorces can result in thousands in monthly spousal support....
Temporary Spousal Support Texas
When a couple begins the divorce process, one spouse may seek temporary spousal support. Working through a divorce can be a financially tumultuous time, especially when one spouse decides to move out of the family home. Both partners must adjust to living on single...
Alimony in Texas Common Law Marriage
Not all marriages start with a marriage license and an official wedding ceremony. In Texas, it is possible for a couple to enter a common law marriage. It is also possible for a couple in this type of marriage to get a divorce. There are many persistent myths about...
Mothers have substantial rights to child custody, regardless of whether they are married to the father or not.
In fact, mothers in many ways have more rights than fathers—at least initially. If you see a custody battle on the horizon, you should understand how a judge determines which parent gets custody and begin building your case as soon as possible. Unmarried Mothers...

Understanding Alimony in Texas
Alimony in Texas (spousal support) is often referred to as spousal maintenance. Its intention is to provide a lower earning spouse with the time needed to build and develop the skills and/or education needed to support him or herself after a divorce. Because of this...

Are You Eligible For Alimony?
I am frequently asked by prospective clients whether they are eligible to receive alimony. In Texas, what other jurisdictions refer to as “alimony” is called spousal maintenance, and it is available to a spouse provided certain eligibility criteria are met. Here are...