Law Office Of Ben Carrasco PLLC 1
512-320-9126 Austin, TX

How to File for Child Custody in Texas

Blog 5 Child Custody 5 How to File for Child Custody in Texas
how to file for child custody

by | Sep 29, 2023

Filing for child custody in Texas can be challenging and emotional, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the state’s family law system. Whether you’re seeking sole physical guardianship, conservatorship, or simply looking to protect your parental rights, it’s crucial to understand the legal process and have a skilled family law attorney.

The Law Office of Ben Carrasco in Austin, TX, is an experienced firm that specializes in family law cases and can provide valuable guidance and representation for your custody matter. Continue reading to learn how to file for child custody in Texas and navigate the legal process successfully.

Understanding the Basics of Child Custody in Texas

Under Texas law, parents have the right to a parent-child relationship, which includes legal and physical custody of their children. Legal custody refers to the right to make important decisions about a child’s life, such as medical care, education, and religious upbringing. On the other hand, physical custody refers to where the child lives and spends their time.

Texas law recognizes two types of legal custody: joint and sole. Joint custody means that both parents share decision-making responsibilities, and the child spends time with both parents. Sole custody means that one parent has exclusive rights and duties to decide about the child’s life and where the child lives.

Suppose one parent is awarded sole physical custody. In that case, they will typically become the sole managing conservator (SMC) of the child, which means they have exclusive rights to make decisions about the child’s life. The other parent may be granted visitation or possession rights depending on the circumstances.

Texas Family Code

The Texas Family Code is a compilation of laws that govern family matters in Texas. It covers various topics, including marriage, divorce, adoption, child support, and spousal support. The Texas Family Code also contains provisions for protecting children and victims of domestic violence.

This code was first adopted in 1975 and is regularly updated to reflect changes in the law. It is divided into several sections, each focusing on a specific family-related issue. For example, the section on marriage and divorce contains all the laws related to forming and terminating marriages, including requirements for marriage licenses, grounds for divorce, and the division of property. The code also includes provisions for annulment, legal separation, and other family matters.

The Texas Family Code also contains provisions for child support, spousal support, and other support orders. The code establishes guidelines for calculating support payments and outlines the responsibilities of both parents when it comes to providing financial support for their children. Additionally, the code contains provisions for adoption, guardianship, and other family matters.

The Texas Family Code is an important source of guidance and protection for families and individuals in Texas. It provides a framework for issues surrounding marriage, divorce, adoption, child support, and other family matters. It is essential for individuals to familiarize themselves with the Texas Family Code and to consult legal professionals for advice on family law matters.

Contacting a Child Custody Lawyer

Regarding custody cases involving children, working with an experienced family law attorney who can help you navigate the legal system and protect your parental rights is essential. Attorney Ben Carrasco is a skilled child custody lawyer who can help you with your case.

Determining Your Goals for Child Custody

Before you begin the process of filing for child custody in Texas, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve. Do you want to win sole custody? Do you want sole custody or joint custody? What type of conservatorship do you seek? Understanding your goals will help your attorney develop a strategy tailored to your needs and the best interests of your children.

Gathering Relevant Documents and Information

To prepare for your family law case, you must gather important documents and information, including medical records, school records, and other relevant histories that could affect the parent-child relationship. If you have child support payments or other financial responsibilities, ensure you have all the necessary documentation to support your case.

Filing the Initial Custody Papers

To begin filing for custody of a child in Texas, you must complete and file the appropriate court documents. These documents typically include a petition for custody, a temporary order (if necessary), and any other supporting documents required for your case. Child custody lawyers can help you prepare and file the necessary paperwork.

Temporary Orders Hearing

If you’re seeking temporary orders, you’ll need to attend a hearing where the court will determine temporary custody arrangements, including physical possession, visitation rights, and child support. This hearing typically occurs within 14 days of filing the initial custody papers.

Custody Trial

A trial will be scheduled if the parties cannot reach a custody agreement. During the trial, the court will hear evidence and decide based on the child’s best interests. Factors that may be considered include the child’s age, health, emotional needs, and the ability of each parent to provide for the child’s needs.

Modifying Custody Orders

After a custody order has been entered, either parent may seek a modification of the order if there has been a significant change in circumstances. For example, if one parent’s circumstances have changed and they can no longer care for the child or if there has been a significant change in the child’s needs, a custody order modification may be necessary. In such cases, it is essential to consult with an experienced attorney to determine whether a modification is required and how to proceed with the modification case.

Enforcing Custody Orders

If one parent is not following the terms of a custody order, the other parent may seek to enforce custody and visitation orders. This can include filing a contempt motion or seeking a custody order modification. A family law attorney can help you understand your options for enforcing custody orders and protecting parental rights.

Supervised Custody

In some cases, the court may order supervised custody. This means that a designated person must supervise the child during visits with the parent who has been granted possession or visitation rights. Supervised custody may be ordered if the court deems it necessary to protect the child’s physical or emotional well-being.

Full Custody

If one parent is granted full custody, they will have exclusive rights and responsibilities to make decisions about the child’s life and where the child lives. The other parent may be granted visitation or possession rights, but the primary decision-making responsibilities will rest with the parent awarded full custody.

Texas Law Help

If you’re considering filing for custody, it’s essential to seek the advice and guidance of a qualified family law attorney. Attorney Ben Carrasco is an expert in family law and can help you with your child custody case. In addition, Texas Law Help is a valuable online resource that provides information and guidance on Texas family law issues, including child custody.

Contact Ben Carrasco, Family Law Attorney

Are you dealing with a child custody case in Texas and need legal counsel? Look no further than Ben Carrasco, a renowned family law attorney. Ben Carrasco is a highly experienced and trusted family law attorney in Austin, TX, committed to helping you get the best outcome for your child custody case. With years of experience in the legal field specializing solely in family law, Ben Carrasco deeply understands Texas family law. He can provide you with the best legal advice and representation. He is dedicated to providing top-notch legal services to ensure your case is handled efficiently and effectively. Contact Ben Carrasco today to get started with your child custody case in Texas. Don’t wait any longer; contact Ben Carrasco today and get the legal representation you need to win your child custody case in Texas.

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About the Author

Ben Carrasco is a highly skilled family law attorney based in Austin, Texas, known for his extensive expertise in family law and business litigation. While his primary focus is family law, Ben brings a wealth of experience in litigating diverse business disputes, ranging from breach of contract and collections to business torts, fraud, and real estate matters. In his family law practice, Ben navigates all aspects of the field, including divorce, child custody, support, property division, and more, offering clients expert guidance throughout the litigation process. His legal journey began in complex commercial litigation, initially with a global law firm and later with a prominent Austin-based firm. However, driven by a desire to make a direct impact on people’s lives and embrace the human element of the law, Ben transitioned to family law, a decision that has proven to be deeply rewarding. A proud Austin native with roots in California, Ben completed his undergraduate studies at the University of California, Berkeley, before earning his law degree at Stanford Law School, where he excelled in legal writing and served as an associate editor of the Stanford Law and Policy Review.

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