Law Office Of Ben Carrasco PLLC 1
512-320-9126 Austin, TX

How to Win a Termination of Parental Rights Case

Blog 5 Child Custody 5 How to Win a Termination of Parental Rights Case
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by | Feb 26, 2024

So much is at stake in cases deciding whether or not to terminate parental rights. The outcome can impact the child’s interests, welfare, and stability, issues of permanent placement, access to social services and mental health support, and legal certainty about the child’s future.

With so much at stake, the process of determining if parental rights should be terminated is complicated. Are you trying to navigate the complexities of a termination of parental rights (TPR) case? The crucial steps involve clear justification, gathering compelling evidence, and effective courtroom strategies.

In this article, we go straight into how to win a termination of parental rights case, providing you with essential tactics, legal insights, and straightforward advice to stand a strong chance in court.

Key Takeaways

  • Termination of parental rights is a legal process that permanently ends the legal parent-child relationship and can be voluntary or involuntary, with significant consequences and strict legal grounds such as abuse, neglect, or endangerment required for involuntary termination.
  • Effective legal strategy in terminating parental rights cases prioritizes the child’s welfare by presenting clear and convincing evidence that termination will benefit the child’s welfare, includes organized evidence collection, and involves comprehensive preparation for court hearings.
  • Choosing the right legal representation is critical in terminating parental rights cases, where private attorneys may offer more personalized services than public defenders, and the attorney-client relationship can significantly influence the case outcome, with appeals being an option for unfavorable decisions.

What Does Terminating Parental Rights Mean?

A determined parent sits beside their lawyer in court, bracing for a contentious legal battle to terminate parental rights.

A termination of parental rights (TPR) is a legal process that results in the permanent severance of the parent-child relationship. It is a significant and irreversible legal action. Parental rights termination can be either voluntary or involuntary, depending on the circumstances.

In Texas, voluntary termination, referred to as relinquishment, occurs when parents willingly agree to terminate parental rights, ending their legal relationship with their child through required legal forms or court requests. In such cases, terminating parental rights is a decision made by the parents themselves.

However, involuntary termination happens when a court orders the termination without the parent’s consent. This often precedes a child’s adoption by another parent.

Irrespective of the type of termination, once parental rights are terminated through a court order, the legal relationship is permanently severed. This effectively makes the parent and child strangers in the eyes of the law.

Strategizing Your Case: Key Considerations

Navigating the emotional turmoil and legal intricacies of a TPR case may be daunting, but it’s key to grasp the legal grounds for termination, prioritize the welfare of the child, and present effective evidence for a positive outcome.

Identifying Grounds for Termination

Every termination case begins with the identification of grounds for termination. In Texas, legal grounds for the involuntary termination of parental rights can include:

  • Child abuse
  • Neglect
  • Abandonment
  • Parental incapacity due to substance abuse or mental health issues
  • Endangerment of the child’s physical or emotional well-being
  • Instances where a parent has previously had parental rights terminated for similar reasons.

Successfully arguing for termination requires demonstrating incidents like failure to visit or support. However, it also requires showing willfulness in these failures.

For example, in cases of incarceration, proving willfulness can be challenging. But evidence that the parent had the ability to support or maintain contact can be considered.

Prioritizing the Child’s Welfare

When it comes to termination cases, the child’s welfare holds the highest importance. The court assesses the best interest of the child as the foremost matter.

To win a termination of parental rights case, you must present clear and convincing evidence that shows a significant improvement in the child’s welfare by severing the biological parent’s rights is necessary.

This assessment is typically done using the Holley factors, which include the child’s desires, emotional and physical needs currently and in the future, and potential danger to the child.

In various situations, such as when a parent voluntarily relinquishes rights or during mediation, the court or caseworkers ensure that the child’s best interests and child’s safety remain a priority without impeding the child’s permanency goals.

Evidence Collection Tactics

Evidence is the backbone of any legal case, and TPR cases are no exception. Collecting medical records, witness testimony, financial documents, and other relevant data like police reports, child welfare reports, and photos are pivotal in bolstering a termination of parental rights case. This robust collection of evidence documents incidents of neglect or abuse and can be critical in persuading the court in favor of termination.

Apart from documents, compelling testimony from witnesses and experts, such as psychological evaluations, medical records, and reports from teachers, relatives, doctors, or the child’s guardian ad litem, can significantly impact the outcome of a termination case.

For cases involving substance abuse or mental illness, attorneys need to skillfully manage the evidence and build persuasive arguments advocating for termination.

Legal Representation: Choosing Your Champion

The right legal representation can be the difference between winning and losing your termination of parental rights case. An attorney specializing in family law and termination of parental rights cases will:

  • Ensure an in-depth understanding of the legal processes involved
  • Navigate and explain complex legal procedures
  • Provide expert advice and guidance
  • Advocate for your rights and interests
  • Boost the chances of a successful outcome in your case

Public vs. Private Attorneys

When facing the termination of parental rights in Texas, you can choose between hiring a private attorney and having a public defender appointed by the judge.

However, it’s important to note that public defenders may not be universally available in all states, potentially affecting those parents who do not have the means to hire a private attorney.

Private attorneys often provide more personalized attention and resources to a case, compared to public defenders who may be handling high caseloads and have less time to dedicate to each case. Consider your options thoroughly before deciding.

The Attorney-Client Relationship

The attorney-client relationship is pivotal in TPR cases. It transcends legal knowledge; it’s about empathizing with the client’s trauma, acknowledging systemic biases, and understanding the impact of racial, social, and cultural disparities on the attorney-client relationship.

Attorneys engaged in termination of parental rights cases should be involved from the outset, providing guidance and intervention as early as possible, even at the first hearing.

The American Bar Association has established Standards of Practice for attorneys representing parents in abuse and neglect cases, which emphasize the training, supervision, and accountability of parent attorneys.

The most effective legal representation often involves interdisciplinary teams of attorneys, social workers, and specialized professionals who collaborate to voice the needs of all parties in court.

Navigating the Court System

Courtroom with judge's bench

The court system may seem intimidating for those unfamiliar with its complexities. However, grasping the entire process, from:

  • Petition filing
  • Notice serving
  • Attending numerous hearings
  • Complying with legal mandates and court orders

is vital for a successful TPR case.

Preparing for Court Hearings

Preparation is key to a successful court hearing. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Meticulously organize the case presentation.
  2. Effectively address the Holley Factors.
  3. Ensure all required documents, including distinct orders for termination and adoption, are appropriately drafted and at hand.

By following these steps, you can increase your chances of a successful court hearing.

Court hearings play a crucial role in discussing and reviewing arguments and evidence provided by all parties in a TPR case, forming the basis of the court’s careful deliberation.

After securing legal representation and fulfilling all court-stipulated requirements, a critical step in preparing for the hearing is to request an in-home child custody evaluation.

Understanding the Judge’s Perspective

Understanding the judge’s perspective is key to strategizing how to win a termination of parental rights case. The judge considers various factors such as participation in parenting classes, completion of addiction programs, and the quality of home conditions when making decisions on termination of parental rights.

The recommendations of the child’s Guardian ad Litem (GAL) also carry significant weight and can strongly influence the court’s decision in TPR cases.

Alternative Paths

While court hearings and legal battles may be the conventional route, there are alternative paths under Texas law to termination of parental rights, including mediation and settlement.


In Texas parental rights cases, a neutral mediator facilitates mediation with the goal of resolving disputes efficiently and granting parties more control over the outcomes.

A mediated settlement agreement is legally binding and must be free of fraud, duress, or coercion, ensuring the integrity of the relinquishment of parental rights. To address potential delays in mediation, a provision may be added to have the mediator resolve or clarify disagreements on order terms.


Parties can also engage in informal settlement conferences, which may lead to a less formal Rule 11 Agreement, becoming an order of the court once accepted.

Reinstatement and Appeals: Knowing Your Options

Although termination is usually viewed as irreversible, there are circumstances where reinstatement of parental rights can occur. Parents who have had their rights terminated in a child protective services (CPS) case in Texas may be able to reinstate their parental rights under the law that took effect in September 2021.

Steps to Regain Parental Rights

While restoring parental rights post-termination may be complicated, it is achievable with the right legal assistance and commitment.

The process typically starts with a petition filed by the parent. But filing a petition is only the first step. To regain parental rights, the parent must demonstrate rehabilitation from the issues that led to the termination.

An equally important step for a biological parent in a child custody case is to provide evidence of a safe and stable environment for the child, especially when compared to the other parent.

This demonstration of a transformed environment can significantly sway the court’s decision in favor of reinstating parental rights, including the responsibility to pay child support.

The Appeals Process

Unfavorable outcomes in a parental rights termination case can be disappointing, but they are not the end of the road. Understanding the appeals process is helpful in a TPR case. The appeals process offers a lifeline to parents who believe that the termination of their parental rights was unjust.

An appeal is a request to a higher court to review the decision of a lower court. It’s not a new trial, but a review of the previous proceedings to determine if legal errors occurred that affected the outcome of the case.

This complex legal process process requires a deep understanding of legal procedures. It’s essential to seek legal counsel and collaborate with an appellate attorney to navigate this process effectively.

State-Specific Laws and Variations

Although TPR procedures hold common aspects across states, variations in state-specific laws hold considerable influence. For instance, the Texas Family Code, Chapter 161 provides comprehensive legal guidelines on both voluntary and involuntary termination of parental rights, detailing the necessary grounds, procedures, and hearing processes.

Texas residents have access to resources like the e-books from the Texas State Law Library, which include information and forms needed for understanding and initiating the termination of parental rights process.

Keep in mind that Texas is known for having a higher termination rate compared to some other states, with contributing factors including prevalent drug abuse, lack of parental involvement, and stringent Texas law on foster care and adoption.

Support Systems and Coping Mechanisms

Support group meeting dedicated to helping each other through the tumultuous journey of a Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) case.

Steering through a TPR case and the legal process can be an emotionally taxing journey. The presence of a support system can make a world of difference.

Legal aid organizations and the Family Helpline at Texas Legal Services Center offer legal information about CPS issues, and Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid’s Family Defense Project provides legal help for the reinstatement of parental rights.

Family and protective services, along with the family court, play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of children and families involved in these cases.

In addition to legal aid, emotional support plays a crucial role. The Texas Parent Helpline offers support groups for parents involved in termination of parental rights cases.

These support groups provide assistance with understanding parent’s rights, including:

  • Parental rights
  • Child support
  • Visitation rights
  • Child custody
  • Co-parenting

These resources can serve as a lifeline, providing emotional support and practical advice to those navigating this complex process.


A successful strategy for how to win a termination of parental rights case, while complex, is achievable. With a comprehensive understanding of the legal process, effective strategizing, the right legal representation, meticulous preparation for court hearings, and knowledge of alternative paths, reinstatement, and appeals, anyone can confidently navigate a TPR case.

And remember, even in times of adversity, there are always support systems available to guide you along the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the grounds for an involuntary termination of parental rights in Texas?

In Texas, the termination of parental rights can only occur through a court-issued order. Simply signing a voluntary relinquishment form, waiving interest, or neglecting to register with the paternity registry is not enough to permanently terminate parental rights. A judge’s signature on a court order is required to finalize the termination of these rights indefinitely.

If a parent consents to the termination of their parental rights to a child, they can sign an affidavit voluntarily relinquishing those rights.

What is the statute for termination of parental rights in Texas?

Texas law outlines several situations in which an involuntary termination of parental rights may occur. For example, if a mother abused substances during pregnancy; if the parent abandoned the child; if the child was knowingly put in harm’s way; if the parent fails to support the child; or if the parent has been convicted of a crime in which a child was killed or seriously injured.

What amendment is parental rights?

Parental rights are protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, including the right to make decisions regarding the upbringing and education of their children. This fundamental right is also specifically addressed in the Texas Constitution.

How long does a parent have to be absent to lose rights in Texas?

According to section 161.001(2) of the Texas Family Code, a parent’s rights can be terminated involuntarily if they have left the child alone or in the care of another person without providing sufficient support for at least six consecutive months.

What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary termination of parental rights?

The main difference between voluntary and involuntary termination of parental rights is that voluntary termination occurs with the parents’ agreement, while involuntary termination is ordered by a court without the parent’s consent. This is often before a child’s adoption by another parent.

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About the Author

Ben Carrasco is a highly skilled family law attorney based in Austin, Texas, known for his extensive expertise in family law and business litigation. While his primary focus is family law, Ben brings a wealth of experience in litigating diverse business disputes, ranging from breach of contract and collections to business torts, fraud, and real estate matters. In his family law practice, Ben navigates all aspects of the field, including divorce, child custody, support, property division, and more, offering clients expert guidance throughout the litigation process. His legal journey began in complex commercial litigation, initially with a global law firm and later with a prominent Austin-based firm. However, driven by a desire to make a direct impact on people’s lives and embrace the human element of the law, Ben transitioned to family law, a decision that has proven to be deeply rewarding. A proud Austin native with roots in California, Ben completed his undergraduate studies at the University of California, Berkeley, before earning his law degree at Stanford Law School, where he excelled in legal writing and served as an associate editor of the Stanford Law and Policy Review.

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