Law Office Of Ben Carrasco PLLC 1
512-320-9126 Austin, TX


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Stages of a Divorce Case

Child Support in Texas

Child Custody in Texas

Enforcing Court Orders

Property Division

The court must divide the parties’ community property at the time of divorce in a manner that the court decides is “just and right” after taking into consideration the rights of the husband and the wife and any children of the marriage. The division of property need not be equal, but there must be some…

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Premarital Agreements

Modification Suits

Relocation Cases

Substance Abuse

Can Spouse Be Required to Pay Attorney’s Fees?

Can Social Media Be Used Against You?

Understanding Alimony in Texas

How do I get sole custody?

Can your Visitation Schedule be Modified

Do Children Have a Voice in the Custody Process

What is the Minimum Amount of Child Support?

Modification of Alimony

The issue of child support is never truly settled as long as the child is a minor, and in some cases, there may be circumstances that extend these payments. While other family law-related issues may have a conclusive ending, the court retains the power to adjust child support orders in the future. Whether you are…

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Supervised Visitation

Temporary Orders

Child Custody and Visitation Schedules Explained

Back Child Support

Divorce Attorney in Austin